Thursday, November 22, 2012

Boycott Black Thursday

For the record, I'm not opposed to Christmas shopping. I'm opposed to wage slavery. I'm opposed to employers telling their employees, "Your holiday doesn't matter as much as people who get paid enough to buy these Black Friday deals."

It pains me to think of the shoppers, oblivious to the situation that they are condoning in those kept up all night to serve them. If there must be Black Friday at all, can't we keep it on Friday?


Choose empathy over apathy. 

Friday, August 03, 2012

Houston Shooter Preparedness Video

I read about this on a news site and looked it up. It has some valuable and what seems to me common sense suggestion, but considering how these things keep going, maybe not.

Hope it is enlightening or something. R.

Monday, July 09, 2012

Why, Zombie, Why?

It's a lame thing to end my hiatus over, but I want to know what I'm missing.

1) Zombies are flesh-eating undead, always on the prowl for tasty people, and they especially like the brains.

2) Zombiehood is like the clap and can be acquired through any normal or abnormal exchange of bodily fluids.

So . . .

If a zombie devours my flesh, what is supposed to be left to turn into a zombie? Is there a simple answer to this, or do I need to start reading the massive and growing body of zombie fiction out there?

Give it to me straight.
