I really thought that after enjoying Persuasion so much that Pride and Prejudice might not do that much for me. After all, I loved the movie, and I still liked Persuasion better. I found, however, that the book was more enjoyable than the movie or Persuasion. The characters are so enjoyable, and I love Austen's sense of prose. I took it as a good sign for the movie that I pictured the cast all through listening to the book in spite of a few changes that were made, notably Mr. Collins. My favorite line from the book did not make it into the movie, though in my mind I could see Donald Sutherland saying it:
"I enjoy all my three sons-in-law. Mr. Wicham is my favorite, but I shall enjoy your husband every bit as much as Jane's." Spoken to Elizabeth by Mr. Bennett, and badly paraphrased by Riotimus. That's the way it goes sometimes.
There have been many a book and doctorate published interpreting and analysing P & P, and I encourage all interested parties to check them out, but I think it sufficeth me to say that I loved it and would recommend it to anyone. Write on.
Well, I never thought I would find myself even remotely interested in reading Jane Austen. But I've seen some of the movies and they weren't too bad, and if you recommend them, I think I'll give it a try.
I do recommend them. And if they are to dry for actual reading, the audiobooks are fantastic.
They're not too dry for actual reading.
You do have to be ready for a slower pace and different style than the novels we get nowadays...but too dry for enjoyable reading, they're not.
I second the recommendation (or third it by now, I guess). This is a truly great novel.
I absolutely love love love Pride and Prejudice. (I hope you don't mind me adding my two cents.) I had heard so much about the movie (not the recent one, but the A&E version--yes, that's the 5 hour one!) that I decided to read the book. So good! I love the father's dry humour. And if I could say which movie version I think is the best, I'd say the A&E one, all the way.
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