Dang him. If you believe in him, anyways. I was reading Blog Ing's Writing Log and he was talking about sitting in front of the paper for an extended period without anything coming out. In the mean time Theadra has got more bouncing in her head than she can get down in the time she has.
I fall somewhere in between.
Ing's experience made me think of the problem that we all deal with at some point.
That made me think of something I read at Holly Lisle's site a long time ago. Don't ask me where; as she like to tout, she has over a hundred-thousand words of free writing advice over there. I'm sure one of the other Buddies who has read it all can vouch that what I'm very leisurely getting ready to talk about is, in fact, there somewhere.
Holly has scenes that she has a cute name for - candy scenes? something like that - scenes that she was incredibly excited about writing. She would make them into a reward. When she had written so much tying-together material she would allow herself to write the scene she was so excited about writing before.
I've been doing that a lot with the story I'm working on now. It started in my mind as a few roughly connected scenes that I am trying to turn into a 16k competitor for WotF. I hope you are sending lots of positive writer thoughts this way, because the space between those scenes is going a lot like this: blah blah blah, blah blah blah blah. Anyways, sometimes thinking of muses is a muse ing. Or a muse Ing. What do I know? If I had written this much for my story tonight I would be this much further along. Hopefully it helps somebody somewhere, if only in the sense of shared empathy. Or something.
Write on.
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And not only would you have been that much further along, you could have claimed the words too!
My problem right now, as everyone with earshot (or whatever the *correct* cyberspace term for that is) must surely be sick of hearing me whine about, is the revision of my WIP. Adding new words is REALLY hard for me. Oh, I can change a few here and there easily enough, but actually adding new and hopefully better content doesn't hack it for me. Especially when I have a new project bubbling on the back-burner.( I should stop talking in cliches, should I?)
A Muse Ing...
Well, I always thought of Muses as nubile females in billowy Greek-style robes, but I'm willing to be a Muse Ing for (or a-muse-d by) anyone who can't picture something better than a burly, balding, 6-foot-something dude. :)
Speaking of Muse Ing...
I think you've passed the bounds of Muse-itude and crossed over into plagiarosity: Your "blah blah blah, blah blah blah blah" looks EXACTLY like what I've been writing lately.
Same problem here. I've written three candy scenes already and I have a looming tie-in scene. Maybe think about it as a good chance to flesh out characters with little details. In musical theater there are different songs for characterization (As long as He Needs Me from Oliver), action (Do you Hear the People sing), setting (Look Down from Les Mis), but I can't think of any good transition songs. I suppose there has to be down time in fiction just like in real life. And just like real life, they can be a little hard to endure. Am I making sense?
Ring around the floggers?
London Bridge is Flogging down?
The Itsy Bitsy Flogger?
However I say it, I'm still here to flog you for missing your words yesterday.
100 words. You can do it!
I'm humming Pink Floyd's great anthem Another Brick in the The Wall. Any ideas why, Riotimus? Could it be because you're hanging on it RIGHT NOW?!
I shall stand with the mighty makers of all things blah. I like to shake things up a bit with a bleh, meh, or barf.
A hefty
from a Muse Ing.
A punishment for Riotimus -- decline the verb to flog in all its tenses. My arm's begining to ache from beating on you. Not that I mind beating you, you understand, I'm just not used to all the exercise.
Write on? Right off, I'd say. Another FLOGGING!
You can decline to decline "to flog," but we shall not decline to flog.
Don't worry babe...I'll be here with the massage oil and strong hands anytime all this flogging gets the best of you.
Hurry back Riotimus. We miss you at WCB. Maybe the merest tickle with a feather, just to let you know we haven't forgotten you.
Hey, are you ever coming back? To your blog, if not to the Word Counters Union?
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