Saturday, November 21, 2009

Do You Know Where Your Make-up Comes From?

In the wild lands to the south, an epidemic has been discovered--the slaying of fat people for the bountiful treasure within. This human lard is then sold to European cosmetic companies for up to $60K a gallon.


Tuesday, November 17, 2009

For the Love of Books

Setting: Jr. High classroom; kids being noisy because they just have a substitute. Mr. Riotimus gives them their instructions and sits down. Picks up From Puritanism to Postmodernism: A History of American Literature and begins to read. Odd Girl walks up to him and stares intently.

Odd Girl: I've read that before.

Mr. Riotimus: That's great.

Odd Girl: It's a good book.

Mr. Riotimus: I'm glad you liked it.

Odd Girl wanders back to desk, spends a few minutes doing assignment, then starts reading trendy vampire-romance novel. Stands and shuffles back to substitute.

Odd Girl: That's such a great book (referring to Puritanism).

Mr. Riotimus: (Too dumbfounded to speak).

Odd Girl: I've read it, like, fifteen times!

Mr. Riotimus: (Wishes he didn't have to read it even once as it is heavy on information but light on any of the things that made the works it discusses so pleasant to experience).

Odd Girl: You probably want to know how it ends, but you'll have to finish it and find out for yourself!

Mr. Riotimus: . . . I suppose I will. Thanks.


Hope your reading endeavors are treating you as well as your writing ones. Write on.


Wednesday, November 11, 2009


There are them as that don't know what a zanpakuto is, and that's a real shame.

Don't cut yourself.
