Friday, April 30, 2010


Dad was cremated yesterday. It was a crazy hard day. He lived with so much vitality; he was too young to go, to suffer as much as he did. It's strange to think that after the intensity he lived with that all is left is some dust and a few trinkets. No more stories, too-sweet breakfasts, or debates solely to get someone riled up. No more horse rides through the mountains or belated lessons he'd intended to give when I was younger. Indeed, resting in peace seems to be held by the dead. I miss you Dad.



Ben said...

I was very sorry to hear about your dad. I hope you and your family are doing OK.

Ing said...

Me, too. I didn't comment earlier only because I didn't know what to say. Still don't actually. Even if you don't hear much from me, I'm with you.

Karl said...

Echoing the above. In my experience, nothing that can be said really helps anyway. But we are here for you, and that seems to mean something.

"Indeed, resting in peace seems to be held by the dead."