Thursday, October 14, 2010

"Who is Elijah?"

I know that back in the day a person had to own a set of encyclopedias or go to the library to find information, but we live in the misinformation age. When I'm reading and I come across a word, be it a person, place, or thing, that I don't know, I look the damn thing up. Come on people. Learn to use a search engine.



riotimus said...

Are you bein' 'funny'?

If not, this post is directed towards them as that open a book or start to read a story, encounter something they are unfamiliar with, and rather than looking it up and broadening their knowledge, they say, "This sucks. It has references in it I don't know. The author is dumb." They encounter an allusion (a reference that alludes to something like a song or another work of art or a person) and instead of looking up, say, Elijah, they write "Who is Elijah?" in the margin in their kvetchiest handwriting possible. I think it is a sad commentary on our society that we'll believe and propagate every ridiculous email forward that comes our way, but we won't look something up to enhance our understanding of a piece of literature or anything else for that matter.


Jen said...

Well said R. BTW that was a fantastic reference.


Anonymous said...

I totally agree. What is it with people wanting everything spoon fed to them. Anyway . . . Check out the updates to the Word Count Union site! Let me know what you think. =)