Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Some Work

So it looks like I will be starting next week doing some substitute teaching. I will be making less than I have since high school, but at least some money will be coming in. Hopefully I won't run into too many Gillys.



Gretschzilla said...

That was really painful to watch. Congrats on the new employment. I hope you enjoy it.

Anonymous said...

I hope things go better for you than for that guy. Did not really like it much, although the guy with two broken arms was funny. Hope everything went well.

Ing said...

Hey, if you snap and kill a Gillyish student, be sure to let us know all the gory details. (What else are blogs for?)

Anonymous said...

I second Ing's motion!! Details . . . we want details.

Mama said...

May your students be teachable and may your days feel rewarding and at some point your paycheck be reflective of your education and your love of learning. Concrats, son. You have always wanted to be a teacher. Dreams can only happen if we dream. Go for it.