Tired of opening my browser to Gilly's face. I submit my humble apology to my readers for the many times they (potentially) came here only to find the face of Gilly still at the top. I will write some good posts soon to make up for it. In the mean time I will give you a few random thoughts as is my default when my brain doesn't feel up to writing the post I actually want to write.
Skinny Pants - Substitute teaching has brought me face to face with style. All I can say is skinny pants look bad on girls. They look worse on boys.
Recession - Seeing all those kids decked out in their matching trendy clothes makes me grateful to be a home-schooler. I couldn't afford to send my kids to public school. I'm sure there is a connection between that and our economic crisis.
No Student Left Behind - Except for the ones who are left behind.
If you are reading this, thank you for stopping by in spite of my absence and the looming presence of Gilly.
I've got to admit, I couldn't even watch that Gilly video all the way through. It was too painful. Luckily, I have your blog on an RSS feed, so I don't have to actually open the page to see if there's anything new.
Looking forward to new posts from the mind of Riotimus.
A backhanded compliment. (Luckily, I don't actually have to *open* your blog...) :)
I watched the whole Gilly episode (Gillysode?), and it certainly wasn't the best bit SNL has ever done, but it did have some moments. Just imagining Riotimus stuck in a classroom full of Gillys was the best part. Heh.
Skinny pants:
You know, I've thought about that a bit lately. Not Skinny Jeans specifically, but how fashion designers are so good at inventing clothes that just don't fit the human form. I wonder if they're formally trained by design schools in how to become completely detached from the small miseries they're inflicting on everyone (themselves included).
There's an apparel design dept. here at the university...maybe I'll ask. :)
My 3 year old son says 'sorry; exactly the same way Gilly does. It never really bothered me before, but now I see her every time...I'm afraid it may drive me insane.
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