Friday, June 12, 2009


I just watched a news clip saying that 218,000 people will be joining me in losing TV reception this weekend. They implied that it was happening because of ignorance or poor judgment, and not a conscious choice or decision of protest.

HD, huh, what is it good for? Better picture, more channels, and better reception they say. But who are they really?


P.S. I am writing again, trying to pound out a short story for a June 25th deadline. It feels good. With any luck there will be more posts on Write On about writing to go with my eclectic observations and ramblings.


Stephanie said...

At 12:30 pm today, I became one of those 218,000 people.

Ben said...

I wouldn't really miss TV personally, but we got the digital converter box a while back anyway. The picture is better, except when the reception is bad. Wait, that sounds a lot like analog TV was to begin with. I guess we just need to get a better antenna.

riotimus said...

I'd say power to the people, but I don't think that means what I think it means.
