Friday, April 15, 2011

C. S. Lewis Makes Me Cry

But not in a good way. R.


Ing said...

Ohhh... Ouch.

But I know what you mean. I'm not a fan either.

riotimus said...

I just finished a nearly-two-year project that I started when my dad got sick. It has been painful in many ways.

Lewis managed to not let his moralizing overrun the stories in the Chronicles of Narnia. The moralizing seems to be the point of the Space Trilogy and Till We Have Faces. I don't resent him for having an opinion, only for using a little bit of story to propel a whole lot of it. He makes the Victorians look downright tightlipped. Anyways, theoretically it's all over.


Ben said...

I have never read any C.S. Lewis. Yep, you heard me. Not a single word.

Ing said...

You're probably better off that way. :)

Most of Lewis' stuff is fairly intolerable. Everything he wrote has an ulterior motive; he wasn't telling good stories, he was just packaging allegory and morality (with Narnia, he had a story so good that it almost overcame the allegory).