Friday, July 03, 2009

Where, Oh Where, Can My Little Site Be?

Years ago I came across a nifty website. It was super cool and I was buried in school and now I feel a fool because I didn't write down what it was or something. It worked basically like this:

You would enter an author's name and it would pull up a map of the genre. The map or tree or whatever consisted of a bunch of author's names all over the screen. The one that you entered would be in bold or something like that and it would give you an idea of what authors in the genre were writing similar things.

If anyone knows where this site is I would be thrilled for the information.




riotimus said...

What a funny fellow I am. I thought it was about fantasy/sci-fi authors, but it turns out that it is not genre specific.

literature-map dot com

If you want to play with it.


Ing said...

Cool! That was fun. I tried some of the indie authors we know and blog with, but (of course) they weren't in, so I entered them just for kicks. Turns out a couple of my favorite out-of-print authors weren't there either, so I entered them, too.

I can see there are a few authors I need to read -- Patrick O'Brian and CS Forester keep coming up in my literature maps, and I've had them in mind as people I ought to get to.