I wonder if it is requisite that to be a true Lit major a person has to learn to over-read perfectly enjoyable stories and poems by fine artists. Feel free to check out the elegant lines of Marianne Moore's poetry, if you will. It is moving, but sometimes a lizard is just a lizard, and a vase is just a vase. But if you see the deeper meaning, as my classmates did, I am happy for you. I think some works can possess multiple layers of allegory and meaning, however, I did not catch the vision tonight. I suppose that is the way it goes sometimes.
So now that I've ranted about over-analysis, get ready for me to post my study of four works by Willa Cather. If it doesn't convince you to take up the English Lit banner then . . . well, that doesn't really mean anything. Write on.
I think I should re-emphasize that Moore's poetry is excellent, and her word use is superb, so do check out some of her poetry.
I fully agree with your opinion. Sometimes a lizard is simply a lizard. Or, when you grow up on a farm, some times cow pies really are just . . . Well, I think you know.
Here's to not overanalyzing!
I've read your post, and here's what I think it means....just kidding. Peace out.
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