Thursday, April 03, 2008

Where Have I Been?

About a week ago I went into work and found out that half of the staff was going to spend this week in California doing training for some delinquent stores. Where was my memo? Dog ate it? Well, it basically meant that the number of stores that I purchase for doubled, and I am still new at my job. It has been a week of unparalleled suckiness. I hope the Word Counter's Union was not too abandoned by my absence. I know from the comments that I was missed. I think I am back now. At least I will be after the NULC.



Anonymous said...

Not that I'd wish your week on anyone, but I'm glad it was that and not something more serious. Welcome back, now - get to work!


Ben said...

Glad to have you back!

Ing said...

That does sound like a bad week. Understandable that blogging takes a back seat.

Glad you're back at it.

Speaking of which, I think that presenting your own writing at a national conference might get you a pass on the word least for one day.

But this business is all about what have you done for me lately... So what have you written lately? Heh.