Wednesday, September 20, 2006

A Day in the Sun

Last night I finished what could possibly be a W0tF submittable draft of ADIS. I am feeling pretty excited about that. While there are surely technical problems with it I am waiting for my trusted advisors' feedback on whether there are gross errors and the like. It feels good to be this close to having a final draft of that story. There are them as that think it's my best so far, and while I hope that isn't true it is encouraging the way that story seems to appeal to so many people.



Jen said...

I hope to have my edit done when you get home tonight.


Jen said...

But only the good "Prairie Grain" bread is truly healthy enough to offer you the strength you need.


riotimus said...

I'd like to bake some bread with you, E.


Jen said...

That could be fun! R.
