Friday, September 15, 2006

Do I have A Blog or Not

Hello? Blog? Can you hear me? Is there anybody listening, like in that song by Queensryche? Come back, little bloggy.



riotimus said...

I am glad you find some pleasure in this blog. I at times do the same. I am glad you have enjoyed the stories. Have you read any besides the ones on my other blog? I would enjoy any specific feedback you might have.


riotimus said...

I have a lot for you to read when you come through. I don't really intend to put any more on the web unless I win some more contests or some thing else that ties the story to me. But by the time you come through I hope to have some good drafts for you to check out. Thanks for the encouragement.


Beth said...

I enjoy your blog Buck. It's always entertaining and you are great at writing!