Monday, November 10, 2008

Sonic Scream

When my two lads are fighting amongst themselves the younger makes a sound that is exactly like the cry of the Nazgul. Exactly. I tried to find a video clip to embed in case you don't recall that cry, but I couldn't. Probably better for you if you don't.



Mama said...

It must be something going around, these rumbling cries that make us all look to see what creature is among us. Isabelle does a very deep Nazgully grumble too. Very strange, such cute little critters to be making such a sound. I appreciate you letting us know that there is some Nazgul stuff going on at your house. Love them little critters.

Anonymous said...

I had to go to the Tube to listen to the cry. Ouch. Not a good thing to be around, that's for sure. I agree with mama, I think we all know exactly what you're going through and it nice to know we're not allow. Hang in there.

Gretschzilla said...

That's a really cool sound. I wish one of my kids could make a sound like that.

Jen said...

I think you're being a bit dramatic R.


Shary said...

Nazgul or not.. He's a cutie.. We are particularly fond of his face plant tactics...and tactics they are.. I've caught him on digitail smiling about the whole thing! As Yoda would say: "Drama runs strong in our family, it does!"