Wednesday, February 14, 2007

The Man and Blogging

The Man doesn't like blogging. He doesn't like shenanigans. Or anything that distracts from efficient labor. Therefore, he has blocked Blogger from me while I am at work. I noticed that the blocker is temporarily not working and thought I would shout out to them as that might miss my writing while I'm at work. Don't let The Man hold you down. Write on.



riotimus said...

Mama said...

I dare to say I understand your pain. It is the blog itself that has blocked me. There is no "blog this" on my screen or I would blog away. I have been glancing at your interesting text and pictures and I have found them very interesting to say the least. I hope you will continue to share your thoughts and ideas. Would there be a problem if I was to print your stuff, especially the last few for Faramir, as he shows an interest is such subjects as ships and such. Write on. the mama

12:50 PM

*names changed to protect them as that were mentioned. R.

riotimus said...

Perhaps I will do a more in-depth post on Viking ships for him. They are pretty amazing.
